1st Ed. Traveller
Traveller is the classic science fiction roleplaying game, and the titles in this section are from the first edition of the game that Mongoose Publishing released in 2007. While a new edition has now arrived, many of these books are still compatible with the current rules and contain a great deal of information that has yet to be re-released.
Based on the 'Classic Traveller' rules set, streamlined and updated for the 21st Century, the Traveller main rulebook will provide everything you need to explore the universes of science fiction settings. Starting with the Original Traveller Universe, Mongoose has expanded the settings available for this game to encompass Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, Hammers Slammers and many more. Look out for the Traveller rulebooks and core supplements in their traditional minimalist black covers on the shelves of your local games store!
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