Slayer's Guides

Slayer's Guides

Each Slayer's Guide features a single race or monster. In each, there is a wealth of information on the physiology of the creature as well as an overview of its typical habitat. You will learn the fundamentals of its society and the religion that drives it. Game Masters will be provided with a number of scenario hooks to bring the monster into their existing games, as well as information designed to help them portray the creature with more personality than ever, injecting renewed challenge into old encounters with faceless enemies. Also provided herein is important information on how monsters wage war, stage raids and their view of the battlefield in general.

Game Masters will find a ready-made lair, complete with background, occupants and tactics at the end of each Slayer's Guide and statistics for standard archetypes for use in their encounters. The Game Master can insert the lair into a campaign as a straightforward dungeon crawl. More likely however, once the strengths and tactics of the monsters are better understood, this challenge will stretch over a number of exciting gaming sessions.

With the information provided in each Slayer's Guide, Game Masters should be able to ensure their players never again encounter monsters without giving them a healthy dose of respect.

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Slayer's Guide Compendium eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Lizardfolk eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Ogres eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Undead eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Goblins eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Winter Wolves ebook
The Slayer's Guide to Scorpion Folk eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Yuan-Ti eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Dragons eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Elementals eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Giants eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Amazons eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Duergar eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Kobolds eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Kraken ebook
The Slayer's Guide to Minotaurs ebook
The Slayer's Guide to Demons eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Derro eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Harpies eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Games Masters eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Titans eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Orcs eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Sahuagin eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Centaurs eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Trolls eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Rules Lawyers eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Bugbears eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Gnolls eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Hobgoblins eBook
The Slayer's Guide to Troglodytes eBook

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