Bangkok - Cesspool of the Orient ebook

Bangkok - Cesspool of the Orient ebook

Sale price£8.00
SKU: T2k2006

Bangkok is the first adventure/campaign sourcebook written especially for the revised Twilight: 2000 game system. It presents players and referees with a totally new and different background against which to adventure: Thailand. 

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For years, I'd heard about the white elephants of Thailand. You know the ones, right? They're considered so sacred that only the king can own them, and even he can't put them to work like normal elephants. They can 't be killed... the only thing you can do with the suckers is feed 'em and breed 'em. I got to see a bunch finally. They aren't white, they're kind of a faded pinkish-brown. Some local told us that the word white doesn't refer to the color anyway, it just means the elephant is considered "auspiciously significant." I was disappointed.

What a place! In the dry season you can go fishing with a shovel, I haven't seen a single Siamese cat since we got here, and the second most popular spectator sport is fish fighting! Nothing in this place is what you expect it to be.

Bangkok is the first adventure/campaign sourcebook written especially for the revised Twilight: 2000 game system. It presents players and referees with a totally new and different background against which to adventure: Thailand. Bangkok describes the geography, climate, peoples, and culture of Thailand, giving maps of the major cities, a rundown on the three main political factions, and complete organizational details of the various armies. From the opium warlords of the Golden Triangle to the "sea travelers" of the Gulf of Thailand, from the primitive hill tribes of the northeast to the sophisticated mercantile/criminal syndicates of Bangkok itself, each region of the country is fully described. Each section also includes a short folio-type adventure set in that part of the country.

Further chapters provide adaptations to the slightly different milieu of Merc: 2000, enabling Bangkok to be used with campaigns for that system as well. In all, Bangkok will serve as a stepping stone to a whole new world of exotic adventures in the Twilight: 2000/Merc: 2000 roleplaying universe.

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