Operation Overlord ebook
This book contains information on the colony world of Dunkelheim and the citadel which serves as the Kafer "Safe Place." This book also contains extensive information about American Marines, their equipment and their organization.
With a final burst from an M-4 rifle, the last Kafer guard fell. The sergeant turned away from the lifeless alien form as a pair of American Marines carefully planet a timed explosive charge at the base of the weapon tower's main turret mechanism. "One down, eleven to go," said the sergeant. He glanced at his watch. "We got our work cut out for us. Let's move, people."
One by one, the Marines descended through the floor hatch, down the long vertical shaft to the ground level. The squad cautiously exited the tower as nearby a flurry of surface-to-surface missiles screamed into the air, destined to strike the main Marine assault force some fifteen kilometers away. The sergeant eyed the source of the fiery salvo.
"Target number two?" someone asked.
The sergeant just nodded. "Saddle up people," He said calmly. The squad filed aboard the bug bus that the Kafers so graciously “loaned' them.
In the distance around them, the Kafers went about their business preparing for the impending Marine assault - lining up along defensive positions, preparing vehicles and readying weapons. All the while unaware of the enemy team which had infiltrated their compound. Their oversight cost them dearly…
While human fleets continue to battle the remaining Kafer warships along the frontier, a tiny unnamed star system serves as the home of a forward base for Kafer warships which continue to conduct raids deep into the French Arm. The system, know simply as DM+36 2393, contains a single garden world - the German colony world of Dunkelheim, This is the location of the Kafer's citadel base and the target of Operation Overlord.
The year us 2303, the Kafer invasion has been halted and the alien warships have been pushed back to the frontier. Still, the fighting is far from over. Pockets of Kafer ground troops exist on every single human colony world from Beowulf to Aurore. Kafer guerillas continue to attack the colonial towns and cities. Numerous Kafer warships continue to operate within the French Arm, raiding colonies, attacking unprotected shipping and ambushing stray warships.
However, these raiders have a weak link - they need to be supplied. Their forward base at Dunkelheim has to be eliminated and Admiral Borodin has put the Americans to the task.
Operation Overlord is the American Marine assault on the Kafer citadel based at Dunkelheim. The adventure follows a group of American Marines from their interface assault landing through a mission which takes them into the heart of the Kafer "Ch*!!"
This book contains information on the colony world of Dunkelheim and the citadel which serves as the Kafer "Safe Place." This book also contains extensive information about American Marines, their equipment and their organization.
A modified skills list is even included for characters who enter the career path of the Corps. Finally a brief update on the Kafer War is provided, describing the disposition of naval forces and of the American Marines following the completion of the adventure.
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