Ranger ebook

Ranger ebook

Sale price£4.00
SKU: 23AD17

The Texas Rangers are always looking for a few adventurous types to swell our ranks in the growing colonies. The pay is good, and the benefits are superior; we'll even pay your way through advanced education during or after your enlistment. But the best benefit of all is the chance to get away from the familiar and predictable, to make you own future. And you'll be heir to 500 years of gallant Ranger tradition, a roll of honor written in indelible deeds, waiting for your name to be added.

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The Texas Rangers are always looking for a few adventurous types to swell our ranks in the growing colonies. The pay is good, and the benefits are superior; we'll even pay your way through advanced education during or after your enlistment. But the best benefit of all is the chance to get away from the familiar and predictable, to make you own future. And you'll be heir to 500 years of gallant Ranger tradition, a roll of honor written in indelible deeds, waiting for your name to be added.


At the extreme end of a side branching of the Chinese Arm lies a yellow star much like Sol. This star is circled by eight glittering planets, the fourth of which bears life.

Humans call 82 Eridani IV "Kormoran," and it is home to the enigmatic Ebers - members of a race that once possessed star drives but destroyed its culture by interstellar war.


Of the races thus far encountered by man, the Ebers are the most like men in gross biological characteristics, but they are also the least understood. Ebars are known first-hand by fewer than 9000 humans, the inhabitants of two enclaves, the UAR and Texas.

Once possessing knowledge beyond that of humanity, the Eber race nearly obliterated itself thousands of years ago in an interstellar war. Even now, they are just beginning a new industrial age. Most Eber nations continue to conduct travel by animal, and by sword and spear.

The Ebers are extremely ritualistic creatures. They hoard the decaying knowledge of their ancient forebearers and protect it with semi-religious tradition against the day that their race will use it once again


The UAR has a major enclave on Kormoran, the first extra-terrestrial project ever created by that nation. Enjoying good relations with the Civilized Eber nations and with Manchuria (which holds the reins of power on the Chinese arm), the enclave may someday divine the deep secrets of the Civilized Ebers.

And the Araba are not hesitant to use their influence with Ebers and Machurians to make life to make life difficult for the recently arrived Texans, in a jealous effort to protect their hold on Kormoran.


The Texas enclave was established eight years after the UAR enclave. In that eight years, the Arabs had wormed their way into the councils of the Civilized Ebers. Therefore, while by Terran treaty the UAR could not prevent Texas from planning an outpost on Kormoran, it could ensure that the Texan enclave had little chance of surviving. The Arabs convinced the Civilized Ebers to cede a parcel from the Great Desert to the Texans, believing that if the harsh environment did not destroy them, the savage Nomadic Ebers tribes would.

Now, with the dawning of the 24th century, Texas has signed a landmark agreement with the Civilized Eber nation of Black Sky to build an Eber steam train line through the Great Desert. With this gain, the Texans have become a real threat to the UAR enclave.


In the wake of the historic agreement between Black Sky and the Texas enclave, the Nomadic Ebers of the Great Desert have assembled for war. Attacks on New Austin's outlying areas are increasingly frequent and a Texas Ranger is missing.

The player characters have been recruited to serve as auxiliaries alongside the Rangers. Now the Rangers have been ordered out into the desert to determine what is precipitating the war. Having come to Komroan for a peaceful break from Kafer fighting the player characters find themselves cast into the think of a mounting conflict with hordes of aliens who can throw spears through plate armor.

What was advertised as a relaxing stint of duty is quickly becoming a nightmare.

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