Small Craft Catalogue
This book gives you more than 60 new small craft, to be used by Travellers, pirates, traders, government forces and corporations. Each has a specific role and has been built to accomplish it with the best components available to its builders.
Welcome to the Small Craft Catalogue, featuring a vessel for your every need!
Small craft, those vessels of less than 100 tons and without a jump drive, are the workhorses of Traveller and essential to the smooth running of every technological civilisation in Charted Space. This book gives you more than 60 new small craft, to be used by Travellers, pirates, traders, government forces and corporations. Each has a specific role and has been built to accomplish it with the best components available to its builders.
In this book you will find:
Modules: It is not just the Modular Cutter that can carry the 30-ton standard module, and there are many configurations that greatly expand the operational capacity of these crafts.
Commercial Craft: Whether they are hauling cargo or passengers, there is a variety of small craft linking the worlds of each star system, binding colonies and outposts together.
Working Craft: From the highport to the far reaches of the outsystem, these small craft keep the empires running, fixing, rescuing, mining, and performing a multitude of other tasks.
Fighters: The most famous of small craft, high performance fighters are at the forefront of any outbreak of hostilities, their pilots destined to become heroes – or to meet an untimely death in the void.
The Military: Between the fighter and the warship, there are many small craft that keep military forces in the field and capable of acting effectively, from armoured transports and recon craft to assault boats and system defence forces.
Luxury Craft: Owned by nobles and rich corporate executives, these small craft spare no expense at providing the comfiest rides – and making sure everyone else knows it.
Aslan, Sword Worlds, Vargr and Zhodani: Beyond the Third Imperium and its affiliated states, other empires can have very different takes on small craft design, but these vessels might just be the perfect in-system ride for a group of Travellers.
Plus new rules on how your Travellers can use small craft to their best effect and bring another dimension to their adventures.
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